Sixteen members were attended the meeting. The Circle Secretary welcomed the members and requested the Circle President to chair the meeting. The following agenda was taken up.
1. Grant of increment on financial up gradation to GP 5400
2. Basic Pay and GP of Group B officers at entry level
3. Re allotment of Group ‘B’ Officers to their home Circle
4. JTS promotion without abnormal delay
5. Absence of any Cadre review
1. The members were aggrieved over the ill treatment in fixing of pay for PSS Group. B officers and lamented over the lack of any promotional avenues. There was stagnation over the long period and takes more than seven years to get promotion to Group ‘A’ cadre.
2. The Dept of Posts have not taken care of PSS Group ‘B’ while fixing the initial pay consequent upon the report of the 6th pay commission. The grade pay of Rs.5400/ was an eye wash and no increment is given while giving the grade pay of Rs.5400/.
3. The members felt and demanded that the Grade Pay should be fixed at Rs.5400/ to maintain the relativity between ASP and HSG.I and Supdt of Pos. The difference of Rs.50/ in the pre revised scale and the Grade pay difference of Rs.200/ is woefully inadequate and is not befitting to the status, duty and responsibility of Divisional Supdt. It is a pity that a Divisional Supdt is kept at lower grade pay than a number of functionaries, whom he has to keep a liaison at District level their duties and responsibilities are much lower than the Divisional Supdt. The ground reality in meeting the various functionaries at State and Central Offices with a lower status hampers quick results and affect, the efficiency of the Department.
4. Now the JAOs, who are the subordinates to the Supdt Circle Stamp Depot are equally placed with the PSS Group ‘B’ . Hence to maintain the status of the PSS Group B officers, there is an urgent need to fix the Grade pay at Rs.5400 in the pre revised scale of Rs. 8000- 275-13500.
5. It is pity that no cadre review has been done for PSS Group ‘B’ officers so far. There has been stagnation and frustration among the officers. The Members felt that we should immediately demand cadre review in tune with the guidelines issued by the Department of personal.
The following resolutions were passed with the vote of thanks by Shri. H.V.Renganath AD ( FS) , CO, and the meeting was concluded at 0730 PM.
1. There is urgent need for the revision of Pay of Group ‘B” ( Supdt of Pos) to maintain the earlier relativity with ASPOs and HSG.I officials, and also in view of up gradation of the pay of JAO and placing them on par with Supdt of Post Offices whose duties and responsibilities are much more higher , voluminous and exacting than the above said lower level functionaries. Hence it is resolved to demand for up gradation of the initial pay of Supdt of Posts ( Group.’B’ ) to Rs.8000-275-13500 of pre revised scale and with Rs.5400 Grade pay in pay band 2 of revised pay.
2. It is resolved to urge the Dept of Posts to grant one increment on up gradation of their Grade pay from the present Rs.4800 to Rs. 5400/
3. It is resolved to urge the Dept of Posts to constitute of Cadre review of PSS Group ‘B’ Officers. So far no cadre review has been done to this cadre. DOP is requested to complete the cadre review within 3 months.
4. It is resolved to urge the DOP to grant Grade pay of Rs.6600/ after 4 years instead of Rs.5400/ as at present. In the light of introduction of MACP, there is necessity to fix the Grade pay of PSS Group ‘B’ at Rs.5400 at the time of regular promotion and Rs.6600 after four years of service in the grade pay of Rs.5400/.
5. It is resolved to demand in increase in mobile phone bill to Rs.1000 a month in view of additional responsibility in Business Development and financial services. The present limit of Rs.325/ is inadequate to meet the operational needs.
6. It is resolved to demand the posting of PSS Group ‘B’ officers in their home Circle itself against future vacancies which may occur within a period of one year. There is no meaning to transfer an officer after a long year of service at the time of the retirement within five years from the date of promotion. It is also resolved to demand removal of one year minimum stay in the Circle to which the officer was allotted .
7. It is resolved to demand finalization of DPC to promotion of Group ‘A’ cadre within one year. The Dept takes a longer period to finalise the promotion. It is now being done once in two years. The Circle association urges the DOP to finalise the exercise of promotion to JTS Group ‘A’ every year as per the instruction of GOI to remove stagnation and frustration. Many officers retires without getting regular promotion to Group ‘A’ and further promotion of officers in review is affected by this delayed promotion to JTS Group ‘A’.
v The fund position of the association is so poor. It is decided to collect Rs.500/ from each member. Members were also requested to clear the arrears of subscriptions. All the members are requested to remit the donation and the arrears of subscription to the Circle treasurer at the earliest to the following address.
1. Smt. Rajeswari Ramachandran,
Sr. PM Basavanagudi HO
Bangalore 560004.
v It is decided to felicitate the retired members in Sept 2009 at a General Body meeting. All the members are requested to strengthen the financial condition of the Circle Association.
v As we have to go a long way to get our demands met, we have to take legal remedy. Members are requested to send their suggestions and views in our website by clicking ‘commends’ appearing below this post.
v The members appreciated and applauded the initiative and efforts of Shri. S. Balachandran AD (MBO), CO in designing and hosting our web site.
Circle Secretary