Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All India Conferenece - Pune

The 23rd All India Conference of Postal Officers Association, India, was held at Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management in Pune on 28th – 30th May, 2010. Shri Rajashekar, Asst. Director, SK Regional office and your circle secretary represented the meeting on behalf of the circle. Thirty three representatives have participated in the conference.

The highlights of the conference are given below:

1. Demand for Grade pay of Rs.5400 at entry level of PSS Group ‘B’ officers has been discussed seriously. We have expressed serious concern over the efficacy of the Divisional Heads in view of equal grade pay granted to other officials as a result of MACP. We have reached a situation, when the Fourth Pay Commission equated TBOP with IPs, and the resultant dilution of authority at sub divisional level. A great damage has been done irretrievably following the recommendations of Fourth CPC. Similar situation has developed as result of the recommendations of the Sixth CPC and due to the casual attitude to our pleas to upgrade the status of Divisional level authority.
2. It is also proposed to launch agitation in case the issue not settled within a month.
3. The Abnormal delay in holding DPC has been also debated in deep and a decision was taken to move CAT for timely holding of DPC.
4. To brighten the promotional prospects of PSS Group “B”, it is demanded to upgrade all Divisions to Group "A" status. This is in tune with upgrading of many LSG posts to HSG II and HSG II posts to HSG I to enhance the promotional prospects of General line officials. At the same time, the department has ignored the legitimate aspirations of the PSS Group ‘B’ officers. There has been no cadre review for the last 20 years. It was emphasized to press for immediate cadre review.
5. The establishment of Business Development Cell for augmenting the revenue of the department has been created at Directorate and Circle level. But, no such mechanism is available at Divisional level and the Divisional Heads are to manage the work with the existing staff. A demand has been made for separate establishment at Divisional level too for Business Development.
6. Decentralization of the functions o RPLI at Divisional and Post Office level as in case of Small Savings Scheme to cut down delay in processing of payment toward claim etc.
7. Demand has been made to increase rate of incentive for RPLI work and the quantum of honorarium paid to the Divisional level staff.
8. Filling up of short term vacancies in officiating capacity/ad-hoc promotion instead of resorting to the short cut method of additional charge.
9. Independent departmental inspection vehicle to all Divisions instead of resorting to outsourcing as outsourcing will not help unscheduled visits by Divisional Heads, more particularly in rural areas.
10. Relaxation of eligibility condition for adhoc promotion from PSS Group ‘B’ to JTS Group ‘A’ from the present three years to two years as per the guide lines of department of Personnel and Training. This situation is acute in Maharastra Circle.
11. Provision for Laptops to all PSS Group ‘B’ and Group ‘A” officers is also demanded. As the operations are being computerized and monitoring can be made anywhere by the officers, laptops are essential for effective administration for a better service to the customers.
12. It is also proposed to maintain alliance with IP & ASP Association to have more bargaining power as the interests of these two associations are analogous and interlinked.
13. The vexatious non-settlement of special allowance Rs.800 to PSS Group 'B' Officers working in Circle/Regional office was discussed. While in AP circle, all officers are getting the special allowance, in few other circles including Karnataka, special allowance is denied to the officers working in CO. The rule does not specify that this should be paid in respect of sanctioned posts only. While officers get their salary from the same establishment, it is not fair to deny payment of this allowance to PSS Group 'B' officers working in CO/RO. CHQ was requested to vigorously pursue this issue with Directorate. The trend in certain quarters to misinterpret the rules to counter the legitimate right of the PSS Group 'B' officers has come under criticism.

The following are new office bearers, who were elected on consensus among the members.

President – Shri Sutar, APMG (BD), Maharastra Circle

General Secretary – Shri Surendera Kumar Bansal, ADG, Directorate.

Treasurer – Shri Kumaraswamy, AD, Directorate.

From Karnataka Circle, Shri Rajashekar, AD, SK Regional Office has been elected as Asst. General Secretary.

The host circle has made elaborate arrangements for the conference. Our special thanks to the Reception Committee of Maharastra Circle.

The venue of next CWC will be Mysore, Karnataka Circle, Bihar Circle and Orissa Circle, and next All India Conferenec at Hyderabad.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The meeting scheduled to 18-05-2010 is postponed to Friday, the 21-05-2010 at C.O at 18.30 hours. All Bangalore based memebrs are requested to attend.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

All India Conference of Postal Officers’ Association, India.

The next conference of our association will be held at Pune on 28, 29 and 30th May, 2010. Many members have expressed their desire to attend the conference in response to my Short message. Members also feel the need to convene a meeting of the association in view of increasing work pressure and lack of amenities. A meeting is scheduled to be held in Bangalore on 18th May, 2010 at 6. 30 PM at Bangalore GPO with the following agenda:

  1. Subjects for AI Conference.
  2. Any other matter with the permission of chair.



    Circle Secretary.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Think before you leap

Foresight the need of the hour, not the policy of appeasement

Good news. A decision is about to be taken for the merger of IP and ASP and to keep them in the Grade pay of Rs. 4600 and confer upon them Gazetted Status. A welcome move. Indeed, it will boost the morale of the cadre. But, what about the PSS Group ‘B’ cadre, which is already suffering from erosion of authority due to the ill-treatment in fixing their Grade pay and keeping them in Pay band -2.

Earlier, the PSS Group ‘B’ officer as Divisional Head is the disciplinary authority for minor penalties in respect of ASP and IPs. This was necessary to bring in order in the administration. After conferring Gazetted status, the disciplinary power has been given to the Director, and the SP, who was stripped of the disciplinary power could not get the things done. Now, the IP, after having been adorned with the Gazetted status, is answerable to the Director, who was the appellate authority earlier and not to the SP, who was the disciplinary authority.

Having striped of all power of control, how can the SP manage his division? It will give ample scope for potentially head strong people to defy the orders and instructions of the SP. Does the DOP want such a situation in the department, which is unable to ensure quality service despite launching of Project Arrow etc.

Where does the solution lie? Upgrade the status of the Divisional Head in Group ‘B’. Without up gradation of the status of the Divisional SP by granting them appropriate Grade pay, the merger is of little use for good administration. Already, the road is paved for the degeneration of the Divisional Authority, and of course the causality is not the Divisional Heads but service, efficient service to the people at large. Which way the DOP wants to go? What we need is loud thinking and foresight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A memorandum was submitted to Sri Gurudas Kamat, Honorable Minister of State for Communications during his visit to Circle Office, Bangalore on 17th March, 2010.

The excerpts of memorandum are as follows:

Memorandum to the Honorable Minister of State for Communications and IT.

Respected Sir,

We welcome you heartily to Bangalore, the capital of the State of Karnataka. We bring to your kind notice the following long pending issues:

  1. Injustice meted out in implementation of 6th CPC.

We belong to the Postal Superintendents Service Group “ B” cadre. This cadre is crucial for the implementation of many policies and programmes of the Dept. of Posts and the Govt of India. They are responsible for the day to day operations in the department viz. collection and delivery of mails and various types of financial services viz. Small savings, Postal Life Insurance, Rural Postal Life Insurance and payment to the beneficiaries under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). Our duties and responsibilities are available in Chapter II of Postal manual Vol VIII. A Postal Superintendent is in charge of the Post Offices in a Division. Some times, a Postal Division covers more than one Revenue District. With so much duties and responsibilities, there grade pay is fixed at Rs 4800/- The difference between the cadre next below the Superintendent of Post Office is just Rs.50/ in the pre-revised scale. And, the difference in Grade Pay is just Rs.200/- A Superintendent of Post Offices has subordinates in Gazetted cadre like the Asst. Supdts and also Postmasters in HSG I cadre. All are in Pay band II. No other cadre has such a low difference in Grade Pay in the hierarchy of promotion than this cadre, while there is marked difference in the duties and responsibilities of this cadre and the cadre below this. We feel that while fixing the Grade Pay, no attention is paid to the enormous duties and responsibilities this cadre is shouldering. This sort of shabby treatment of this cadre contributes to the weakening of authority at Divisional level and the causality is efficiency in service. With the introduction of Modified Assured Career Promotions, promotion to this cadre has lost its attraction. 75% of the posts are filled up through promotions on regular service on seniority cum fitness basis. After the introduction of limited competitive examination to fill up 25 % of the posts, the time span to get a promotion to the Superintendent is woe fully stretched to 27 years. And, this is the last leg of an Inspector’s career spanning more than three decades in the department The reward for having come out successful in a competitive examination, and having toiled across the circle in all regions of different topography, villages in deep jungle, hillocks to ensure prompt postal service to the masses, he/she gets a promotion to this cadre after 27 years and to retire with the difference of Rs 200 in Grade Pays between him and his subordinate in the general line. An inspector gets his promotion to PSS Group “B”after 27 years and his grade pay after 27 years is fixed at Rs.4800, whereas the Grade Pay of JAO is fixed at Rs 4800. Junior Accounts Officer now upgraded to Asst. Accounts Officer is a subordinate to the Supdt. of Post Offices in Circle Stamp Depot. The duties and responsibilities of JAO is far below than that of the Supdt. But, the Supdt. is placed on par with the JAO. The promotion to the cadre of JAO is by a qualifying examination after three years of initial service of in Group ‘C’ but to the basic Inspector cadre is by competitive examination after five years of service as Postal /Sorting/Office Assistants or Junior Stenographers. A comparative study of duties and responsibilities of many other cadres and posts under the Central and State Governments will reveal how deep and extensive the duties and responsibilities of Postal Superintendents than any other cadre.

Postal manual Vol VIII contains the duties and responsibilities of various categories of officers in this department. Page 1 to 72 covers the powers of Heads Of Circle. From page 73 to 202, the duties and responsibilities of Superintendent of Post Offices are spelt out. The duties and responsibilities of Postal Inspector is covered in pages 223 to 232, and that of Inspector of RMS and Asst. Supdt. RMS from pages 233 to 247. Of the 259 pages dealing with duties and responsibilities of five categories of officers and officials, 130 pages are having details of duties and responsibilities of Postal Superintendents. We feel badly neglected, shabbily treated and let down, when more and more duties and responsibilities are thrust upon us to augment the revenue of the Department and implementation of various programmes and plans of the Department viz. computerization, new business schemes and Project Arrow etc. Most of us work day in and day out without any holidays and round the clock. But, the cadre is not recognized and not given the due status and pay as has been given to many other cadres in the Department of Posts and other organizations of Government. Hence, we earnestly request you to use your good offices to fix the initial Grade Pay of PSS Group ‘B’ officers at Rs 5400 considering the arduous nature of duties and responsibilities.

  1. Cadre Review:

For the last 25 years no cadre review has been done, whereas many other cadres have undergone many reviews in this Department and benefits have been granted to all cadres except this cadre and the feeder cadre of Inspectors. Even though the 5th CPC recommended cadre review once in five years, nothing has been done for the last 25 years. When cadre review is done for officers belonging to Indian Postal Service Group ‘A’, many posts from this cadre is taken away in the name of matching savings. This cadre has to bear the additional burden of the posts lost on matching savings. There is a need to upgrade many posts of Superintendents to the level of Group ‘A’.

  1. Denial of special allowance to the officers posted in Circle and Regional offices:

Officers posted in Circle and Regional officers are not granted special allowance, whereas their pay is drawn from the same establishment of Circle and Regional offices. As per rule, all PSS Group officers posted and working in CO and RO should get special allowance of Rs.800/- But, in Karnataka Circle this has not been granted on the dubious ground of posts not sanctioned. If posts are not sanctioned, how the pay is drawn from the establishment remains to be seen..

  1. Eligibility period to Group ‘A’ promotion:

As per the standing instructions of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, the minimum period of eligibility to the next promotion from a post carrying Rs4800/ grade pay is two years but this condition has not been revised despite the instruction from the concerned nodal ministry to carry out the review by Oct, 2009. But, so far nothing has been done in this regard.

  1. Upgradation of Bijapur and Shimoga Postal Divisions:

Earlier Bijapur and Shimoga Divisions were placed in charge of Group ‘A’ Officers. These are the biggest divisions in this circle. Keeping them under the control of PSS Group ‘B’ officer is not advisable in view of operational efficiency and administrative reasons. These posts were downgraded on the ground of matching savings to the cadre review of IPS level officers. It is requested to upgrade the above posts to Group ‘A’ level.

  1. Formation of Bangalore North Division:

A proposal has been sent to Postal Directorate for the formation of Bangalore North Division in view of establishment of new Bangalore International Airport, and better connectivity to the movement of mails handled at Air Port. Bangalore is a fastest growing metropolis in India, and almost 50% mails of Karnataka is posted and delivered in Bangalore City. Hence, one more Division is suggested without any additional cost on man power requirements. It is requested to issue sanction for establishment of Bangalore City North Division.

  1. More number of Inspection Quarters / Guest House/ Holiday Home:

Bangalore is one of the six major cities in India. The Guest House /I.Q in Bangalore GPO is allotted for officers preferably at the level of Director and above. Postal Officials and officers all over India visit this city for many purpose, official and also for the education and training of their children. The officials outside Bangalore cannot afford to the high cost of hotel accommodation. Hence, it is requested to have more number of guest houses and I.Q.

8. We also suggest for:

a. Separate establishment for PLI and RPLI:

The operations in Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) have been decentralized to divisional level. While we welcome decentralization, we feel the need form a separate establishment at Divisional level to ensure quick and prompt service to the customers. The Insurance business is carried out by Postal officials and they are liable for transfer every four years. There is lack of professionalism in PLI and RPLI operations for want of skill and stability. A separate cadre with professional knowledge in insurance is suggested for better and quicker service to the customers.

b. Formulation of Health Insurance Schemes for rural mass through PLI:

As the present Govt. is committed to the upliftment of rural populace in general, and the poor and needy in particular, we suggest a health insurance scheme through the agency of Post Office to cover the rural people. This suggestion is not out of place as the Post Office is always within the reach of common man and we may be permitted to mention that earlier as part of health service, the Post Office was selling quinine tablets to the rural masses. Hence, the history speaks that Post Office is always associated with the welfare of people.

c. Restoration of the post of Director, S K Region.

In India almost all Postal regions are having the posts of Directors under the Postmasters General. Till December, 2009, a Director was working in the South Karnataka Regional Office. Now, there is no post of Director, South Karnataka Region. We feel that the post of Director, South Karnataka Region is to be restored to in view of better operational efficiency and administrative control. There is a new post of Director (Mails and Speed Post). Creating one more post of Director increased the multiple level of control in one area and lack of control in another area. Now, there are two Directors for five Postal units in Bangalore City, besides the Chief Postmaster General and the Postmaster General (Business Development) in the City. But, there is no post of Director at Regional level in South Karnataka having thirteen Postal Units, one Mail Division, and one major Postal Store Depot. Hence, we request you to look into this and cause restoration of the above said post of Director, South Karnataka Region.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,


Karnataka Circle Secretary

Copy To:

The General Secretary, Postal Officers Association India.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Transfer and postings.

We learn that the following officers were transferred.

1. S/Shri B.Rajappa, PSS Gr 'B' Officer serving in WB Circle and realloted to Karnataka Circle as SP, Nanjangud Division vice Sri B Rajashekar, SP, Nanjangud transferred to SK Regional Office as Asst Director(Est&RPLI).

2. Earlier, Sri B.Rajappa was posted as Assst. Director(ESt&RPLI) S K Regional Office. As his relief was delayed from WB Circle, we learn, he was transferred to Nanjangud Division. Administrative work is more important than operative work. Perhaps, administrative work suffered at RO without regular DPS and the Asst. Director(mails, BD & Tech), a posting order was issued to transfer him to Nanjnagud Division.

3. Shri T G Naik, SSRM, BG Sorting Division as SSPOs Mangalore Division.

4. Sri G Muralidhar as SSRM, Bangalore Sorting Division.

5. Sri Balasubramani, AD(Est&RPLI), SK Regional Office was posted to TN Circle, his home circle.

6. Sri T R Shankar, AD(MBO) was transferred as Dy. CPM, Bangalore GPO and Sri B Umesh, Dy. Chief Postmaster as AD(MBO), CO.

Central Working Committee Meeting at Chennai.

CWC will be held at Chennai at Circle Office, Anna Road on 6th and 7th of March. Interested members can contact Circle Secretary to make arrangement for journey. It is proposed to travel by Lal Bagh Express on 6th March, 6.30 AM.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Let's Talk - How We Value Our Employees

As a global leader in mail delivery and successful corporate business practices, we maintain a talented workforce to support strategic initiatives that continues to generate revenue, reduce costs, achieve customer-focused results, and improve service. Our executive and administrative careers provide outstanding opportunities for career advancement and growth.

The Postal Service is vital to the nation and its economy. Our vision, purpose, and direction are evident in performance and maintenance of affordable mail service to every American. We are the second largest employer in the United States today, delivering more than 200 billion pieces of mail per year—connecting virtually every U.S. home and business. Because we are so integral to our nation and its economy, we seek the best leadership available to continue our excellence in operational performance. The Postal Service has a tradition of high performance in on-time delivery and customer satisfaction, cutting-edge automated equipment, and information technology. And we’re always looking for creative ways to perform our mission in the face of a changing marketplace

Postal employees have open lines of communication available to leadership and management at all levels of the organization. This accessibility ensures employees are able to understand their roles and their expected level of performance

We have standards of ethical conduct for all postal employees. Our commitment to trust and integrity permeates our organization, from the Postmaster General to the letter carrier you trust to secure and deliver your mail. Our long history and tradition of trust and integrity with excellent customer service is tied directly to the efforts of Postal employees. We were recognized in a national study, the 2006 Privacy Trust Study of United States Government, as the most trusted federal agency by our customers. The independent study by the Ponemon Institute involved 57 federal agencies and focused on advancing responsible information and privacy management practices within business and government. It revealed agreement among respondents that in their daily lives, the Postal Service delivers a sense of security when handling and delivering their personal information and continues to earn and keep their trust and confidence.

Security in quality benefits is important in any employment. As an independent agency of the federal government, the Postal Service affords all of the retirement and health benefits affiliated with government employment, as well as other premium benefits. In addition to competitive salaries, the Postal Service offers premium benefits that include: health and life insurance, retirement/retirement health insurance availability and thrift savings plan, annual and sick leave programs, qualifying relocation benefits, qualifying tuition assistance, an employee assistance program, and an employee wellness program. A commuter program, employee fitness centers, and parking privileges are available in some locations nationwide.

We encourage our employees to become involved in every area of business operations from corporate leadership to everyday management. Cross-functional opportunities range from administrative and technical support functions to processing and delivery operations.

The Postal Service offers a learning environment that reinforces success through training initiatives that allow employees to improve basic operational knowledge and gain leadership competencies. We manage performance by providing a variety of programs to develop and improve skills that enhance job performance. Our future talent is developed and managed through developmental processes and programs that support potential leaders. Executive level development is provided through a comprehensive, multi-level program designed for those executives meeting certain high-performance criteria. The program includes learning activities that simulate real work situations and provides opportunities to practice and strengthen job-related skills

One of the greatest investments the Postal Service makes for employees is maintaining a safe working environment. We have a robust Voluntary Protection Program, Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process, joint safety initiatives with employee unions, and other safety programs developed in cooperation with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. And we have an ongoing campaign series, “Safety Depends on Me.” Our law enforcement division—the Postal Inspection Service and Postal Police—ensures the mail is safe and secure and protects the safety of all employees and facilities

This is United States Postal Service.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Central Working Committee Meeting at Chennai

President Financial secretary General Secretary
N.V.Sutar Surendra Kumar Janardan Sharma
09819328330 09868017454 09456210837

NO:: POA/CHQ/CWC/Jan.2010 dated 2nd Feb.2010


Under the provision of the constitution of this Association, it is hereby notified that next Central Working Committee Meeting of Postal Officer’s Association (India) CHQ will be held/organized in recreation club O/O CPMG Tamil Nadu Circle Chennai 600002 on 6th and 7th March 2010 . Following items of Agenda are listed for discussion and decision thereon for the betterment of the cadre in CWC.

1. Confirmation of minutes of last CWC held at Meerut on 14 & 15th March 09.
2. Review of Financial Position of the Organization.
3. Review of organization activities.
4. Debate on 6th CPC-Consideration over suggested course of action for getting rectification in pay band/grade pay etc
5. Venue and proposed schedule for next CWC and All India Conference.
6. Debate on non-holding of DPC timely by the Directorate resulting in prolong adhoc arrangement.
7. Debate on special allowance or HQ allowance to the JTS/PS Group B officers working in Directorate, Circle and Regional H.Q.
8. Any other item with the permission of Chair..

The CWC meeting will start at 11.00 O’clock on 6th March 2010 and will continue till agenda is completed. All are requested to kindly ensure their presence timely.

( Janardan Sharma )
General Secretary
Copy for information and necessary action:
1. The Director General (SR Division) Deptt.of Posts,Dak Bhawan,New Delhi.
2. Sh.N.V.Sutar, President, of this Association.
3. Chief Postmaster Generals of all postal Circles for granting special leave to the members/office bearers.
4. All Office bearers/Circle Secretaries of the Association. They are requested to kindly get their berth reserved and intimate particulars of their journey either to General Secretary or Shri A.Kumaraswamy, C/S T.N.Circle Mob No. 09444680663. His e.Mail address is mailstoswamy@


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Food for thought.

"Moral sense is almost completely ignored by modern society. We have, in fact, suppressed its manifestations. All are imbued with irresponsibility. Those, who discern good and evil, who are industrious and provident, remain poor and looked upon as morons." Dr. Alex Carrel in his book , Man the unknown.

More and more responsibility is thrust upon the Divisional Heads. The responsibilities go without any compensation. And, we are thirsty of power. With power, we become insensitive and become blind to the plight of our fellowmen. Clever people get away with penalty for the crimes they have committed. Innocents are made scape goats for the crime others committed. Real culprits escape the net. Justice is denied to the innocents. There is no difference between wrong and right, just and unjust. Criminals thrive at liberty amongst the rest of the population No one makes any objection to their presence. This is modern society and we witness it in our department.

Many schemes are announced and put into experiment. But, we forgot the basic requirement of discipline and commitment. A society will not advance, progress, march forward and lead ahead its progeny in the path of right civilization, unless the society has the commitment to the ideals and principles set before by the annals of th society. If there is no commitment to realise the goals, it should be created by enforcing discipline. An undisciplined work force and biased power structure cannot build a just society but will create a situation of anarchy and lawlessness. Stability and progress of any organisation depends upon the pillars of discipline and commitment to the realisation of goals set before the organisation. If the guardians of these pillars are ignored and jeered at, any tinkering with the organisation will not help.

Monday, January 11, 2010

1. Sri M P Rajan, Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle retired on 31-12-2009 on superannaution. The Association bid farewell during a get together on 31-12-2009.

2. Ms Yesodhara Menon, CPMG, Orissa Circle took over the charge of CPMG, Karnataka Circle on 09 Jan. 2010.

2. a. On 01-Jan, 2010, Smt Sheuli Burman took over the charge of DPS (HQ), Bangalore.
b. Sri K Prakash has joined the newly created post Director (Mails & Speed Post), BG.
The post of Direcetor SK Region was redeployed as Director (Mails & Speed Post)

3. Sri S.Balachandran, SP, PSD, Bangalore was transferred to Madurai Region as AD (Mails).

4. Sri Balasubramani, AD, SK Regional Office was posted as Sr. PM, Vellore, T.N.

5. Due to unforeseen reasons, the Central Working Committee meeting proposed to be held at Bangalore on 21 & 22 Jan. 2006. could not be convened.

6. The Circle Association would like to have feed back from the members on the Central Working Committee meeting.

7. The G.S, IP & ASP Association held discussion with the officers of Directorate on the revision of Grade Pay and PB to the IP, ASP and Gr. 'B' officers.