"Moral sense is almost completely ignored by modern society. We have, in fact, suppressed its manifestations. All are imbued with irresponsibility. Those, who discern good and evil, who are industrious and provident, remain poor and looked upon as morons." Dr. Alex Carrel in his book , Man the unknown.
More and more responsibility is thrust upon the Divisional Heads. The responsibilities go without any compensation. And, we are thirsty of power. With power, we become insensitive and become blind to the plight of our fellowmen. Clever people get away with penalty for the crimes they have committed. Innocents are made scape goats for the crime others committed. Real culprits escape the net. Justice is denied to the innocents. There is no difference between wrong and right, just and unjust. Criminals thrive at liberty amongst the rest of the population No one makes any objection to their presence. This is modern society and we witness it in our department.
Many schemes are announced and put into experiment. But, we forgot the basic requirement of discipline and commitment. A society will not advance, progress, march forward and lead ahead its progeny in the path of right civilization, unless the society has the commitment to the ideals and principles set before by the annals of th society. If there is no commitment to realise the goals, it should be created by enforcing discipline. An undisciplined work force and biased power structure cannot build a just society but will create a situation of anarchy and lawlessness. Stability and progress of any organisation depends upon the pillars of discipline and commitment to the realisation of goals set before the organisation. If the guardians of these pillars are ignored and jeered at, any tinkering with the organisation will not help.
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